4 May 2012

Be Healthy - add some Food Colour!

Be healthy - add some food colour!

Hi folks,

We all know that a healthy nutrition consists of fruit & vegetables, lean meats, some wholegrains & plenty of water right! But how many of us stick to the same fruit & veg every week? The natural chemicals that give different foods their colour also have their own health properties, so it’s time to do yourself a quick mental review & see.

Fruit & veg is so versatile that’s it doesn’t have to be boring. Grab a piece of paper & jot these foods down to form an ultra healthy & tasty shopping list:

Reds, oranges, yellows, & Purples:
These foods can all help reduce the risk of developing the main ‘killers’ in our society today; various cancers, heart disease, & strokes. Many are also bursting with antioxidants which help reduce damage to your cells.

Include these: Tomatoes, beetroot (unpickled), peppers, radishes, strawberries, watermelon, cranberries, cherries, apples. Sweet potatoes, apricots, carrots, oranges, peaches, & pineapple. Plums, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, raisins, figs, & aubergine (egg plant).

White vegetables can help also help reduce the ‘killers’ but additionally lower your blood pressure & cholesterol (HDL) levels.

Include these: Cauliflower, onions, garlic, potatoes, mushrooms, ginger, turnips, & bananas.

Greens contain powerful anti-cancer properties as well as giving us lots of additional vital nutrients

Include these: Broccoli, green beans, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, kiwi fruit, avocados’ & even those sprouts!

Obviously there is a lot of food here & your shopping bill would be huge, so try to pick out several from each category that you are most likely to use. Also go for ones that are in season, are most versatile, & that you can use as snacks. Then after a while try to rotate your choices.   

If you’re interesting in a workshop on workplace nutrition then please contact me.



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