Hi Folks,
I recently got back from THE health & fitness Industry’s annual convention held at Loughborough University. My aim is to listen to the latest material presented by the world’s top speakers, & then apply it to the workforce health in a realistic way. This year featured a lot of biomechanical sessions, teaching us how to look after our backs by developing a healthy pelvis. Hang on – isn’t this something I blogged on lastyear? (…smug face)
Many exercises to do this involved wacky tri-planar movements which were quite amusing to do but all these were simply exaggerations of what our body does (or should do) when walking.
So next you’re walking on a treadmill or walking down the corridor at work, I’d like you to think about 2 things:
- Notice the walking ‘style’ of others around / passing you.
- Be conscious of your own walking style.
By ‘style’ I mean are the feet or knees facing outwards? How far are they / you leaning forwards? Are the strides equal length? Are the shoulders rigid or swaying? What position is the head in? ……make a 5 sec assessment quick!
If biomechanically healthy then it should look even or balanced, that they move easily & all body parts are involved. If this is happening then look at their belly button (or where is would be if uncovered), it should be the point at which every thing else pivots around. This is the most important assessment.
Think of how a model walks on the catwalk, well besides crossing the feet over this is how we all should walk. But fella’s before you get too worried, let’s tone it down slightly. If everyone just lifts the ribcage up off the pelvis, eyes forward (not down at your iphone) & allows the arms to sway opposite to your stride then you’ve got it. It’s what we do naturally so let’s learn to stop inhibiting it. A sexy walk looks attractive for a reason!
More lessons from Loughborough coming soon,
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