5 Nov 2010

5 Great sleeping tips

Hi folks,

Every day we put pressure on ourselves / others to work harder, be more efficient, perform better or be more productive. The one thing that usually ends up suffering is our sleep which in my opinion, a good 7-8hrs of per 24hrs, is the most productive thing we can possibly do! During sleep our bodies go through stages to recover & rebuild both physically & mentally. If they are not getting chance to do this properly then we cannot expect to then be at our best. 

Top sleeping tips:
  1. Make sure your sleep covers 2am - 5am.
  2. Go to bed & get up at the same time each 24hr period if possible (including weekends).
  3. Develop a 'winding down' routine & stick to it. e.g. reading, chill out music, warm bath, chatting etc.
  4. Only use your bedroom for sleep, not working, exercise or watching TV etc. 
  5. Complex carbohydrate rich food can help increase sleep quality, where as protein rich food make us more alert. Use them strategically to help your routine.

Quality sleep has a huge influence on our hours spent awake. Watch this space in the future for tips on effective napping & find out why we were born to do it.

Enjoy your weekend!