9 Sept 2010

Letting your workforce off the leash!

Put down your bagels folks because this week while further researching performance enhancing techniques, I came across some very intriguing methods you may find useful.

This alternative line of thinking is that by sticking to 'best practice' and adhering to a truck load of processes and procedures, we are not giving ourselves / our employees the opportunity to excel, but only ever achieving average results. Yes, various protocols and SOPs are needed for guidance and to ensure a good job, but these days doesn't there seem to be too much control, always having to do things the long way round? By keeping your employees challenged, acknowledged and in 'the loop' instead of suppressing them, you may just unveil the employees with those great ideas or that extra level of service capable of giving your company the edge.

The reason I have become a geeky fan of this type of management is not just because it helps companies progress, it also is much more psychologically and therefore physically healthy for the individual. It engages them raising their job satisfaction, increasing productivity and decreasing sickness absence.

Think about your job role and the effect such an approach would have on you. You may just be able to see over your in-tray!