26 Aug 2010

Wetter is better!

We all know that we are supposed to drink around 2.5 litres (8-10 glasses) per day, but most of us are way off this quota. So why is water so important? what positive affect does it have on our day? - here are just 4 of the key ones:
  1. It makes us more alert.
  2. It helps us concentrate on tasks.
  3. It can make make us feel more energetic.
  4. Sometimes we can mistake being thirsty as 'hunger cravings'.
These are all factors that will impact directly on our jobs! From personal experience I know that if I am dehydrated (from sleep or exercise) I feel tired and am unproductive until I rehydrate. It only takes about 20 minutes for water to digest so this problem can be quickly resolved having a valuable impact on my days work. Pass these benefits on to your colleagues to help them perform at thier best!

(Oh, and dont gulp it all down at once otherwise you'll see more of the bathroom than your workstation. Regular sips until your wee turns pale is the key.)