25 Nov 2011

Reduce heart attack risk by up to 40% in your workforce!

Hi folks,

A recent study of men whose occupations involve heavy labour has revealed significant results. Holtermann who led the study, found that men with high fitness levels are 40% less likely to suffer from IHDs (ischemic heart diseases) such as heart attacks, than those who are considered unfit.

Holterman and co-authors reported “The results suggest that by maintaining good physical fitness, men who engage in heavy labour can avoid increased risk, and possibly even lower their risk of death from heart disease.”

Okay so what’s new – everyone knows that keeping fit lowers our risk of illness as well as bringing a whole host of other benefits right, so why aren’t employers being pro-active about this? Well there’s the evidence & here’s what to do about it:

  1. Check out our Workforce Workouts

  1. Email me via our website

  1. We’ll visit your company & design a package of exercises specifically to benefit your workers tasks.

  1. Get ready to reap the benefits of a healthy & high performing workforce:

         Lower risk of heart disease (as above)
         More efficient & productive employees
         Higher workforce moral / teamwork
         Lower sickness / absence costs
         Be known as an employer of choice
…any many more!

As well as looking after your employees, this make great business sense as studies show such measures bring an awesome return on investment.


11 Nov 2011

Tactical Treats

Hi folks,

I’m sure you’ve noticed all the Christmas foods entering the shops & if you’re anything like me your will-power is already being tested. Unfortunately our receptors haven’t evolved since hunter-gatherer times so we still crave high sugar / high fat foods. Whilst it’s healthy for us to have occasional TREATS, we all know what they can do to our bodies. So, how can we enjoy ourselves whilst minimising the impact of these treat foods?

Try a few tactics:

1. Try eating any treat foods (especially the fattier ones) earlier on in the day rather than on an evening - but not replacing breakfast! This way their calories are more likely to be put to use.

2. Try eating any sugary treats 1-2hrs before a period of exercise. Again, the calories they contain may be used up for energy. However, too much sugar here and research shows that the body may actually start storing it, when it otherwise would be burning it.

3. After exercise is one of the best times if you are going to have a treat. Depending on your type of training, your metabolism (the rate at which you are burning calories) is still high and so any calories entering the bloodstream will be used to for energy.

4. Lower your risk of diabetes by selecting treats with a low glycaemic load (GL) or eating any sugary treats with complex carbohydrates so the sugars digest slower and don’t hammer your insulin levels. Don’t forget though that the sugar may be digesting slower but its still that same calorie content.

Remember folks, this is my advice of where to best have TREATS, & not how to try to get away with regular ‘junk food’, so be good!

To learn how snacks can be a powerful alli in helping your workforce to stay alert on the job & recover between shifts, click here. We can help, so why miss out on getting the most from your workforce?



4 Nov 2011

Don’t in-tolerate it!

Hi folks

Remember a recent blog entitled ‘nation of inflammation’? Well this week we take it a step further. We talked about how our guts may reject or flare-up after eating certain foods, this however not always shows any symptoms (or none that we would associate anyway). As ignoring any intolerances may cause us problems in the future, it makes sense to find out if we have any - right?

Which method suits you?:

1) Wieger machine: A low current electrical circuit is set up. This circuit involves you – holding on to electrodes, a volt meter, & a food chamber. In turn extracts of various foods are placed in the chamber & depending on the action of the needle on the meter, you are either intolerant or tolerant to that food. I know this sounds like a torture device but the voltage is too low to feel. Don't attempt a DIY version though!

2) Kinesiology: This is a complementary therapy that is usually used for muscle testing, however the reaction of muscle tissue when a food extract gel is applied is said  to reveal food intolerances.

3) Home kits: For around £50 you can buy a kit that involves you taking a pin-prick of you own blood, mixing it with a solution, then pouring over a tray of tiny wells. Depending on what colour a well turns, gives your tolerance outcome for that related food. This method is user friendly but accuracy depends on your interpretation (its that blue or purple?).

4) By post: Sending a sample of your hair or blood off to the labs will be more accurate. It’s quick, hassle free & range from around the same price as a home kit right up to £250. Here are the best links for this method:

So if you do decide to go ahead with testing, then please let me know & how your changes have affected your well-being at home & at work. For further information on health in the workplace please visit our website or join me on LinkedIn.

Enjoy the fireworks guys!
