Hi folks,
A recent study of men whose occupations involve heavy labour has revealed significant results. Holtermann who led the study, found that men with high fitness levels are 40% less likely to suffer from IHDs (ischemic heart diseases) such as heart attacks, than those who are considered unfit.
Holterman and co-authors reported “The results suggest that by maintaining good physical fitness, men who engage in heavy labour can avoid increased risk, and possibly even lower their risk of death from heart disease.”
Okay so what’s new – everyone knows that keeping fit lowers our risk of illness as well as bringing a whole host of other benefits right, so why aren’t employers being pro-active about this? Well there’s the evidence & here’s what to do about it:
- Check out our Workforce Workouts
- Email me via our website
- We’ll visit your company & design a package of exercises specifically to benefit your workers tasks.
- Get ready to reap the benefits of a healthy & high performing workforce:
• Lower risk of heart disease (as above)
• More efficient & productive employees
• Higher workforce moral / teamwork
• Lower sickness / absence costs
• Be known as an employer of choice
…any many more!
As well as looking after your employees, this make great business sense as studies show such measures bring an awesome return on investment.