1 Jun 2012

Is mobile technology reversing human evolution?

Hi folks,

How amazing is mobile technology these days? You can check emails on-the-go, have a video meeting with people even though you’re on different streets around the world, or even navigate your way through a busy city by linking up with a satellite!

Do you have a tablet (e.g. iPad)? If not I know we all have mobile phones that can do most of these tasks. As well as being great for social reasons, this technology has become really useful in the business environment, it means that we can be really efficient & get work done without being tied to the desk. Mobile technology has transformed many workplaces but have you realized the down-side?

As we no longer need to be desk-based to complete much of our work, this is a great step towards fighting the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. However, next time you’re walking down the street, on a train, in a meeting, or stuck in a traffic jam, take a look around & most people will be head-down using their own piece of mobile technology. Isn’t this the type of posture that we have at our desks - rounded shoulders & forward –head posture, & hunched over like a caveman?

With us now potentially spending more & more time in a poor posture with our spine out of neutral alignment, the health implications become higher risk. If we do need computers to do our job then a mix of the two may be best practice:

1)      Going back to a desk-top style computer is the best option in the workplace (although being seated this allows you to have the screen higher than the keyboard – unlike laptops).

2)      Get out & about as much as you can using a tablet to work on (although bad for upper-body posture, the lower body is moving which can fight many of the sedentary risks).

So where do laptops fit in? Well at the minute they are ergonomically the worst piece of mobile technology to use. BUT if you can get your hands on a model that has the ability to raise the screen up away from the keyboard then that’s probably the ultimate option! Does anyone know if a laptop like this exists?

Have a think about the demands of your job & which is the most ‘posturally healthy’ kit or combination you can use. If you are an employer, think about what technology is already being used & could it be affecting your workforce health?



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